The Mysterious Case of Pushpa and Others
by Prasiit Sthapit for the 2016 Joop Swart Masterclass
Goma Thapa is one of those left behind who gets this message, every time she calls Pushpa, her husband, who has been missing in Malaysia for the past 8 years. Pushpa left for Malaysia on December 12th, 2005, six months after their marriage. For three years, he called and assured her that he’d be back soon and one fine day, the phone stopped ringing or even going through. People tell her that he is dead or has been murdered but she refuses to believe.
“I’m here because of hope. If he’s still alive he will come back. I haven’t even remarried. What else can I do? ”
Nepali Times estimates that three to four Nepali migrant workers return home in a coffin every day. Many more go missing. According to the Pravasi Nepali Co-ordination Committee (PNCC), an organization of returnee migrant workers dedicated to protecting and promoting migrant workers’ rights, 122 missing cases were filed with them from 2013–2016. These are the reports (overlaid on top of photographs of the objects related to the missing) that give it some sort of legitimacy in the eyes of the government and other organisations. However, PNCC reiterates that most of the cases never even reach them. The families have no information about their whereabouts or how they are. The last piece of information the families have about them is usually through their last phone conversation. Why did the phone calls stop? Did they choose to stay out of contact? Has something happened to them?Are they even alive?
This story is about the people who go missing and those left behind in limbo.

Name: Pushpa Bahadur Thapa (Roshan)
Address: Prakashpur, Sunsari
Destination Country: Malaysia
Abroad for: 11 years
Missing for: 8 years
Last known information: On the telephone he had told his wife that he would be coming home and asked her to receive him in Kathmandu in a month. He didn’t stay in contact after that. Later it was found that he was working in a dangerous area. According to his friends who had gone to look for him, the boss told them that his room was open and all his stuff gone. It is rumored that he was hit by a train; some even say he was murdered, but none have proof.

All Hail Goddess Manakamana
Goddess Manakamana has been blessing us forever. For example, someone from the district of Palpa had been trying hard for 10 years to go abroad for work but had always been unsuccessful. Once he wrote a letter (like this) in the name of the Goddess and circulated 22 copies, he went to Japan. The same letter was found by a 65-year-old woman in Arghakhanchi district who again sent out 22 handwritten copies and within 10 days her husband who had been missing overseas for 10 years came back home. The letter was also found by a poor man in Bagdor who again wrote 22 letters, his son found a job abroad, a few days later. Someone from the same region burnt the letter deeming it a hoax, all his farm was eroded by a flood in 10 days. 10 other people got the letter who did not take it seriously; none of their wishes have come true yet. Ganesh from Kailash also wrote 22 letters in the name of Goddess Manakamana praying for a job overseas. You should pray to Goddess Manakamana too (and make 22 copies of this letter), your wish will be granted in a month.

Name: Saroj Kumar Ram
Address: Dhankaul, Sarlahi
Destination Country: Malaysia
Abroad for: 6 years
Missing for: 1 year
Last known information: When Saroj mentioned that he wasn’t making enough money to repay the debt, his mother asked him to come back home. He kept on saying he would come back the next month for a long time and a year ago he said he’d be back around May 2016. He hasn’t been in contact since.
“I took out a loan of Rs 1,10,000 (approx. $1,000) to send Saroj to Malaysia and I had to sell my house and land to repay the debt. Now I am homeless”, Janaki Devi, Saroj’s mother.

Name: Sunita Shrestha
Address: Inaruwa, Sunsari
Destination Country: Saudi Arabia
Abroad for: 8 years
Missing for: 8 years
Last known information: Sunita called home a month after she left and told Anit, her husband, that she would be back in a year. She was sent illegally through India as women weren’t given employment permits back then. Other women from the village who had gone with her have come back since then, but she has been unreachable.
“I do not miss my mommy. I’ve been living without her for so long, why would I miss her?”, Asan Shrestha, 13, Sunita’s eldest son.

Name: Manoj Mahara
Address: Bharampura, Mahottari
Destination Country: Saudi Arabia
Abroad for: 7 years
Missing for: 5 years
Last known information: Manoj quit his job in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, which made him illegal in the country and was jailed for a while. Upon release, he visited a friend in the city and he was out of contact ever since he left the place.

Name: Ram Babu Shah Teli
Address: Kumhraul, Dhanusha
Destination Country: Malaysia
Abroad for: 6 years
Missing for: 3 years
Last known information: According to a friend who went to Malaysia together with Ram Babu, he had quit the company he was initially working at in order to work somewhere else illegally.

Name: Satya Narayan Chaudary
Address: Baklauri, Sunsari
Destination Country: Malaysia
Abroad for: 2 years
Missing for: 9 months
Last known information: Satya Narayan used to work in Selangor, Malaysia. One day, he came back to the hostel from work and told his roommate that he’d go out to meet his friend. When the roommate called him for dinner the phone was switched off. It has been the same ever since.
“There is a photo of him (Satya Narayan) in the room. I can’t look at it anymore… (I end up crying)”, Buddhi Lal Choudhary, Satya’s father.

Name: Gautam Tamang
Address: Nagdaha, Ramechhap
Destination Country: Malaysia
Abroad for: Not Available
Missing for: 6 years
Last known information: Not Available
“Deep down I know he’ll come back. I can’t wait to see him. I even see him in my dreams sometimes”, Tara Maya Tamang, Gautam’s mother.

Name: Ram Krishna Khatri
Address: Kathajor, Ramechhap
Destination Country: Malaysia
Abroad for: 15 years
Missing for: 14.5 years
Last known information: Ram’s cousin had met him in Malaysia and asked him if he wanted to send anything back home and his phone number as he was leaving for Nepal, he said he’d meet him later for those, but they did not end up meeting. The last letter he sent home was a few months before this incident, six months after leaving.

All images and text © Prasiit Sthapit
Read an interview with the photographer about this story and more.
The Joop Swart Masterclass has been organized by World Press Photo every year since 1994 and has established itself as one of the most prestigious events of its kind. Its goal is to bring together some of the most experienced individuals in photojournalism with 12 young, promising photographers to share and pass on their knowledge and experience. Learn how to apply.